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My name is Renee.  I'm pretty sure I was always destined to have Bloody Mary's rule my life!  As far back as I can remember, my mom and aunt always loved a good Bloody Caesar (the delicious Canadian counterpart to our beloved Mary).  I remember the first time I just really wanted to make a Bloody Mary at home.  It was 2005 and I called my mom to find out what I needed to craft that perfect cocktail.  Needless to say, the first one didn't turn out that great.  Practice makes perfect they say and I've been practicing ever since!


In April of this year, 2014, I decided to start my bloodygoodbloodys Instagram account.  After a trip to Florida and having just as many pictures of Bloody Mary's as I did of the beautiful white sands of the Gulf Coast, I figured I'd might as well put those pictures to good use and I started sharing my love for this beautiful drink.  I've discovered just how many people share my love for Mary, Caesar, Maria, Michelada and any other version that may be out there!


I've got some ideas for what is to come, so stay tuned and thank you for joining me on this venture.  I look forward to seeing all of the fantastic Bloody adventures you all have! 




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